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North Yorkshire Council Handover – Goodbye Message!

North Yorkshire Council Handover – Goodbye Message!

We’re all getting a little reflective here at Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles as we prepare to hand over operations to North Yorkshire Council on the 1 September.

The last 15 years have, quite simply, flown by and we couldn’t leave without writing a little thank you to all of you.

It has, genuinely, been our greatest pleasure to serve the communities of the Selby and Tadcaster districts since 2009.

During this time there have been many ups and challenges over the years, most notably the loss of the original Abbey Leisure Centre in 2012 and, in more recent times, the operational and financial challenges created by Covid and lockdowns.

It’s during challenging times that organisations and communities pull together and from strong partnership working, our services continued to be delivered whilst the new Selby Leisure Centre facility was constructed, thanks to funding from Sport England.

We also worked within, and continued to support, our communities during the frequent lockdowns and ensured our Wellbeing Services were rebuilt, developed, and scaled new heights across Ageing Well, Cancer pre and rehab, Inspired Outdoors and Adult Weight Management.

There are numerous statistics to support the successful delivery of services we have attained over the years such as the six million visits to Selby and Tadcaster Leisure Centres or the half a million attendees at our swimming lessons.

However, as a not-for-profit, social enterprise, and charity our achievements aren’t purely defined by black and white statistics. Our business model is about putting funding back into communities, supporting individuals and the wider community to live healthier, happier lives.

As such you can only truly gauge the difference made over the last 15 years by the changes YOU, have made.

Such as Claire, who gained the confidence to attend classes and now ‘loves her Zumba’. Or Dawn who lost an incredible five stone on the Move It & Lose It programme. And Richard, whose attendance at Falls Prevention Classes has helped improve his mobility ‘no end’.

In truth, you have inspired us, as much as – we hope – we’ve inspired you over the years, and we wish you well with your continued health journey, with North Yorkshire Council and Active North Yorkshire.

Lastly, a massive thank you to all community groups and partner organisations who have supported and worked with us during our time in Selby.

All of the Team at IHL HQ

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